Love Letter is a 2D animation short that discusses the topic of grief and closure in a heartwarming tale. The story follows the perspective of the daughter who finds passion in literature through her mom. When the mom suddenly disappears from the girl's life, she learns to find closure with the help from her family.


The illustrations in the animation are part of the love letter that the daughter is writing to her mom.

The animation has paper textured background, environments are illustrated in black and the characters have imperfect pencil strokes to signify that the letter is hand drawn on paper.

Aim Behind this Project

The project is targeted towards general audience but focused mainly on children and young adults. The aim behind the story was to break the taboo about death and grief when talking to children, since adults have the tendency to to stir away from those topics. I hope to convey that topic of death and grief doesn't always have to be heavy and I hope this project serve as the motivation for people to bring up these kinds of conversations more often in order to heal together and find closure.


3D Modeling


Branding Work